Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Think I'm Allergic to My Ovaries

I hesitated to title this post what I did.  You see, we have alot of traffic hitting the blog right now because of our new services:  Craig's Meals (menu & grocery list), Craig's Meals Delivered (organic meal prepared FOR you), and Craig's Meals Catered (organic meal catered for you and your guests).  I don't want some innocent pastor clicked on romans6-13.blogspot for the first time and being offended by the word ... (Ssshh, I'm going to whisper it) ... ovaries.

However, the truth is sometimes a little confrontational and uncomfortable.  And, if someone out there could be helped by me sharing our newest story with you, then a few saints are going to have to put up with ... well ... that word.

Remember when I told you about how my rib was making my eyeball hurt?  What about the time I told you that my cough was actually caused by grief?  Or the time I explained that gluten was making me grumpy.  Well, this is just as weird so bring your open mind ...

Two and a half weeks ago, I was at work (taking pictures) and started sneezing.  I get what I refer to as "allergy attacks".  I used to get them about once every month and they would absolutely send me to bed (or the couch).  I'd lay there all day sneezing my head off and holding a kleenex to my nose.  M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E, I tell you.  Well, now (after changing our lifestyle) I only get them about once very 3-4 months.  However, they are still just as terrible.  So, when I started sneezing on this bright and sunny Tuesday morning, I knew exactly what was going on and I was not impressed!

I left work early and headed home to camp out on the couch with my roll of toilet paper (we were out of tissues) and the remote.  Dinner got reduced to soup and sandwiches and I went to bed around seven. 

The great thing about my allergy attacks is that they're always gone the next day and life can go on.  So, imagine my absolute FURY when I was still sneezing my head off and miserable on Wednesday.  I'll spare you the agony of me reliving each horrid day and just go ahead and tell you that I went for 10 days straight.  (!!!)  Right about the time I'd think it was subsiding, I'd start sneezing and here we'd go again.

Ladies, I'm gonna go ahead and let you know - the house went to pot.  The laundry piled up 7 baskets full.  We were eating pizza and hot dogs.  (Gluten-free, egg-free, dye-free, bla, bla .... but still pizza and hot dogs none the less!) 

Finally on Day 11 I went to our chiropractor and told him I couldn't live anymore like this.  (I have a flare for the dramatic side.)  He spent over an hour with me as we tried to determine why my all-natural allergy meds were no longer working and why my 1-day-allergy-attacks had turned into 10-day-allergy attacks.  (I'll secretly tell you that I think it helped that I arrived at the end of the day and he knew I wasn't leaving until he figured out the answer.  I can be pretty threatening when I'm covered in snot.)

However, I will confess that I was NOT prepared when he announced that he knew what the culprit was.

I started this new photography job in August and while I enjoy having the camera/equipment and the actual picture-taking part of the job, the job is taxing in that I have to leave my house each morning by 6 a.m. and I am traveling about 400 miles each week.  I have noticed that I am more tired than I have ever been in my life.  I usually finish at a school around three and immediately pick up our children from school or from the sitter's.  Then, I rush home to help them complete homework, cook dinner and get everything ready for the next day.  With it being football season, I do all of it by myself and Rick usually walks in around 8 p.m.  (His job is worst in the morning as he has to get everyone up and dressed and lunches packed, folders signed, vitamins taken, etc...)  We have absolutely been burning the candle at both ends.

And last Friday in the chiropractor's office I found out that I'm no spring chicken and that there are consequences for that.  (Dang it.)

Apparently, I have depleted my adrenal glands and in order to function, my body has been pulling hard on my pituitary gland and my thyroid (for more energy).  However, in the process, this has drained my pituitary which controls my hormones.  Therefore, when I take my supplements - regardless of what function they are supposed to serve, they are high-tailing it to my adrenals, my pituitary and my thyroid.  They are completely ignoring my allergies because there isn't enough to go around.  Therefore, you get 10 days of SOLID sneezing.

Here's the great thing about natural medicine though:  Instead of treating the symptoms (my sneezing), it treats the cause:  my hormones.  So, in a sense, my hormones (or lack of) are causing my allergies to go crazy.  Fix the hormones, you fix the allergies.

I'd love to tell you that he gave me some magic uterus pills and that I was fixed within 24 hours.  However, it didn't work that way.  It's comical now, but at the time - it wasn't super funny.  He gave me some all natural hormone-fixers and I was OUT LIKE A LIGHT within an hour.  No, not even kidding.  Three hours of hard, drool-all-over-the-pillow sleep accompanied by panic when my phone alarm dinged that the children were getting out of school and I was still snoozing away on the couch.  I raced to the school and picked up the kids and brought them back home only to konk out again and wake up to them wanting dinner.  I absolutely could NOT hold my eyes open.  I put them to bed early and fell fast asleep in my bed and slept twelve more hours.  WHAT THE HECK?!  I wasn't sneezing ... but I could NOT stay awake!

The next day I took a four hour nap and went to bed at 7 p.m. 

The next day (Sunday), I took another four hour nap and went to bed early.

Finally, on Monday I emailed the chiro and told him what was going on.  He assured me (although I was skeptical) that the meds were doing their job and my body was healing - thus, it required more sleep.

I'll spare you the details, but I went another 2 days just as groggy as if I'd taken NyQuil or Benadryl.  And then, FINALLY - finally, on Day 6, my body began to cooperate.  (And not a moment too soon I'd like to add!!)

So, I have a couple of questions for you:

1)  Are your allergies going berserk right now?  (If you live in Austin, they probably are!)  It could very well be that there is something else going on and your body's attempts to fix that something else are more important than your allergies .... Thus - you're sneezing.  (Thyroids and pituitaries are more important than allergies.  Your body prioritizes.)  Who would've thought that our bodies were so intimately tied together that ovaries could cause sneezing?

2)  What is another ailment that you struggle with?  Could your body be more focused on healing another part of you than on that ailment and therefore, you're not getting relief?  (For example, my thyroid needed everything my body was getting in terms of nutrition MORE than my allergies.)

3)  Third and last question:  Who do you know that needs this information today? 

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