
Over the last twenty years, we have come across several products that we endorse for various reasons.  Below you will find each product as well as a description and a few links.  Please note that each product below can be purchased through us (visit our order page) or obtained by other means.  Our goal, ultimately, is not to sell you products but to journey alongside you to create a healthier you!


You're going to love this product!  It is marketed as an Anti-Fungal, Anti-Parasitic, Anti-Viral and Anti-Bacteria remedy and prevention and boy does it live up to those claims!  The primary ingredient is grapefruit seed extract which has been proven to protect against a broad spectrum of bacteria.

We have personally killed Strep Throat with Agrisept.  But that's not all!  Take a look at what other people use Agrisept-L for:

During Flu and Cold Season: 8-10 drops, in 8 ounces of juice or tea, 1-2 times a day for assistance of the prevention of illness or maintenance of health.
H1N1: 8-10 drops, in 8 ounces of juice or tea, 1-2 times a day for assistance of the prevention of illness or maintenance of health.
Sore Throats: gargle with 2-3 drops in a glass of water.
Gingivitis (gum disease): 2 drops of Agrisept-L® on toothbrush every morning until symptoms cease.
Skin and Nail Fungus: apply Agrisept-L® topically at bedtime.
Athlete's Foot: mix 10 drops per 8 oz of water in a spray mist bottle. Spray on feet 3 times a day.
Parasites: 8 drops, in 8 ounces of water, 3x/day, 15 minutes prior to meals, for 3-6 months. Take 2 x/day for maintenance.
Poison Ivy, Dermatose: apply 2-3 drops with finger tips on the affected area, moisten with water and let it rest for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly with cold water.
Drinking Water: 10 drops for each gallon of water. Mix vigorously and let it rest for a few minutes. May be used as a prophylactic agent for those who travel abroad.
Cleaning fruits and vegetables: Mix ten drops of Agrisept-L® per gallon of rinse water and soak your fruits or vegetables for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
Rinsing Fish, Poultry, and Meats: put 7-8 drops in a spray bottle and spray meat all over. Let sit for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Pat dry. For hamburgers: put 3-4 drops in hamburger mixture and let sit for 15 minutes before cooking.
Fish Aquariums: Add one drop of Agrisept-L® to your aquarium each time you change the water to help keep a sparkling clean environment. No more algae!
Pet Birds: put 1 drop of Agrisept-L® in the water dish to prevent growth and remove existing parasites.
Humidifiers: put 3-4 drops per gallon of water in humidifier tanks to kill algae.

To order Agrisept-L, please visit our Order page or go here.


All coffees are not created equal!  Most people are not aware that coffee is heavily sprayed with pesticides.  However, that apparently doesn't stop us from drinking it!  Americans drink over 400 million cups of coffee everyday. 

Being coffee lovers, we were thrilled to find a coffee that could actually be good for us! 

Coffee has been proven to have more antioxidants than fruit, wine, vegetables and even green tea.  However, those antioxidants were always lost during the roasting process.  The makers of Asantae Java have patented a method of replacing the valuable antioxidants lost during the roasting process in traditional brand coffees.  That means, I can have my morning cup of coffee and do something good for my body at the same time! 

To order Asantae Java, please visit our Order page or go here.


Have you fed your brain lately?  That is the slogan Focus Factor uses and it couldn't be more spot on!

We love Focus Factor because of what's in it and the effect it has on us.  "FOCUSfactor contains a patent-pending blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3’s that help support and maintain memory, concentration and focus.*"

However, we especially love Focus Factor for what's NOT in it:
  • No preservatives
  • No artificial colorings
  • No fillers
  • No sweeteners
  • No caffeine
  • No gluten, milk, or egg
They even make a Focus Factor for kids!  If you want to feed your brain so it will perform at it's best, we highly recommend Focus Factor.

To order Focus Factor, please visit our Order page.



If you live in Central Texas, you need this product.  D-Hist is the all natural "antihistamine" product that enabled us to go through our first cedar season without an inhaler.  My husband was able to completely forgo all the normal allergy season medications and prescriptions and simply rely on D-Hist to get him through the cedar jungle.

Combining four key ingredients, this powerhouse combats the worst allergies for a strong defense no matter the season.
  • Quercitin - naturally found in onions, it inhibits certain compounds that typically affect sinus and respiratory health 
  • Stinging Nettles Leaf - support nasal passageway health
  • Bromelain - A pineapple enzyme, bromelain supports normal mucousal tissue function and enhances the absorption of quercetin.
  • N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) - An amino acid that is a natural mucolytic, NAC reduces the viscosity of mucus.  
If you struggle with allergies, we highly recommend beginning a D-Hist regimen.  You won't regret it!

To order D-Hist, please visit our Order page.


If we had not seen it with our own eyes, we might not believe it!  However, we are seeing amazing things with Herbalife.

While weight loss is always a good reward for hard work, we aren't just watching people lose weight.  We have watched three of our dear friends get completely off of their diabetes medication within a month of starting Herbalife.  If you're just beginning this journey with us and you've got some weight to lose, Herbalife is a great place to start!

To order Herbalife, please visit our Order page or go here.


Dad's very first year on Juice Plus+ was his very first year that he didn't catch a cold or virus the entire year.  When we realized that, we were hooked!

Juice Plus+ is a whole food supplement containing 17 different fruits, vegetables and grains.  It's a simple, convenient, and inexpensive way to get all the fruits and vegetables you need each day.
Why we love Juice Plus+:
      • Juice Plus+® delivers key phytonutrients that are absorbed by the body.
      • Juice Plus+® reduces oxidative stress.
      • Juice Plus+® positively impacts markers of systemic inflammation.
      • Juice Plus+® helps support a healthy immune system.
      • Juice Plus+® helps protect DNA.
      • Juice Plus+® positively impacts several key indicators of cardiovascular wellness.
If you want to know that you are getting the proper amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, order Juice Plus+ today. 

To order Juice Plus, please visit our Order page or go here.


We're telling you about Standard Process supplements because we wish someone would have told us about them. However, it's important that you know that we cannot provide them for you. Standard Process Whole Food Supplements are only sold through qualified medical professionals. (We get ours through our chiropractor.)

We are big believers in Standard Process. In fact, there are five key supplements that my son is on that we cannot do without. They are directly linked to his behavior and his liver function recovery. The thing we love the most is that they are a natural option. We have used the Antronex to get rid of fevers, the Allerplex to chase viruses away faster, the Catalyn as our multi-vitamin, and the Multizyme to help Craig's liver recover. And the best part? They cost less than ordinary medicines!

You can go here to find health care professional near you that uses Standard Process.


This baby right here is solely responsible for saving my husband's stomach.  Rick has forever struggled with his gut and within one week of starting on Amazing Meal, his tummy troubles went away and have yet to return.

I'm sure some people use this product for the weight loss.  However, our recommendation is only for those with irritable bowel or any other type of stomach issues.

According to their website, "Amazing Meal Chocolate Infusion is a powerful and satisfying blend of Green SuperFoods, plant based protein, phytonutrient rich fruits & vegetables, digestive enzymes and probiotics. For a nutritional breakdown see below.

  • 10 grams of complete protein, 6 grams of fiber in every serving.

  • Full spectrum of Green SuperFoods – wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa & kale.

  • Organic Super Fruits – Goji & Açaí berries.

  • Great source of chlorophyll, antioxidants and essential fatty acids.

  • 100% whole food nutrition – no fillers or isolated vitamins."

  • To order Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Chocolate Infusion, please visit our Order page.