Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Search is On!

I introduced you to National Lifestyle Centers back in May.  We're moving along!

We are looking to open a club in Austin and the SEARCH IS ON!

We've looked at this one ...

And this one ...

And this one ...

This one was an old vet hospital.  STANKY!!  (But it had the space we needed.)

We brainstormed and brainstormed about what to do with these animal kennels ... in a yogurt shop.

We've looked at large warehouse spaces and small bookstore places.

In short, we've looked at over 50 places.  WHEW!  Yes, it has been as exhausting as you can imagine it would be.  However, we are narrowing it down!  I hope to be blogging soon about our opening!

Until then, you can keep up with NLC through the NLC blog which I have the honor of writing for each day.

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