Success Stories

Gayle's Success!

Are you sitting down?  You need to be for this Success Story.

Meet Gayle.

Gayle is one of the secretaries at my dad's church.  She is a sweety and funny to boot!  She keeps Dad in line which we all know is a next-to-impossible job! 

However, Gayle has struggled with diabetes for years.  You know how it goes ... take your diabetes meds, check your blood sugar, eat something to stabilize, check your blood sugar, take your meds, etc... It's a never ending cycle and it's exhausting and frustrating.

Gayle decided to give Herbalife shakes a try two months ago after we heard some surprising (yet amazing) stories about people getting off their diabetes medication after just a short time using the shakes.  After just a few weeks using Herbalife, Gayle took herself off one of her diabetes meds.  (For legal purposes, I feel it is important to state here that we are not advocating the removal of any medication without your doctor's approval or consent.)  She went to her Endocrinologist a few days ago and he was amazed at the changes he saw in her and completely agreed with her decision to get off her diabetes medication and has discontinued the prescription.

Now THAT, my friends is an exciting Success Story!  Gayle, we are thrilled for you!

Rhonda's Success!

I've known Rhonda since I was in high school.  I recently saw her in Austin and was ASTONISHED at how much she had changed!  When I asked what she was doing, would you believe she mentioned all the things we currently recommend on this site?  I knew we had to get her on here as a success story!

I'll let her tell her story in her own words, but first - here are her before and after pics.  They're incredible!



"Over a year ago I began a program of nutrition by eating right and taking Standard Process supplements.  My diet was supervised by a chiropractor who does "Nutrition Response Testing."  The diet was basically eating 3 meals a day and two protein snacks.  The meals consisted of meat and vegetables.  No gluten, sugar, caffiene, or artificial sweetners.  I lost 35 pounds pretty quickly.   I have maintained my weight and even lost a little more by using the Herbalife Formula 1 shakes.  I use the allergy free shake and usually drink a shake as two meal replacements and eat one meal per day.  For me this is an easy meal and I know that I am getting the nutrition that I need."

Way to go, Rhonda!  Keep up the good work!

Tate's Success!

Success is success regardless of whether it came through our site or not!  We may not know Tate, but his story is exactly what we're preaching!

Take a look at this heart warming story that is so similar to ours.

Jaime's Success!

We celebrate even the smallest victory's around here!  Jaime moved to New York recently and knew she wasn't getting her Vitamin D through the good ol' Texas sunshine.  So, she began taking a Vitamin D supplement knowing how important Vitamin D is to our health

However, after reading one of our blog articles about how red dye is hidden in almost everything (you must check, recheck, and check again!), she began a hunt through her house to find places red dye might be hiding.  (We had just found it hiding in Craig's hair gel.) 

Guess where she found it?  That's right!  In her Vitamin D supplements!

Way to go, Jaime!  Way to be diligent!

Rick's Success!

It's true that Rick has lost some weight on this journey.  However, the most remarkable healing we have seen take place is in his stomach.

Rick had tried everything for his constant battle with an upset stomach.  He had given up sodas, gone on diets, eaten healthier, added yogurt.  However - nothing worked.

Nothing worked UNTIL we found Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Chocolate Infusion.  Not only is it made with completely organic ingredients, but it is loaded with digestive enzymes and probiotics.  Within one week of starting this, his belly got happy and hasn't revolted since.

Steve's Success!

Sometimes it's hard to measure success when it comes to health.  While one may "feel" better/healthier, that is not usually something you can outwardly depict to others.  However, weight loss is a sure way to get others to notice you've made some lifestyle changes!  Take a look at these before and after pictures.
BEFORE                                        AFTER

You're looking at 40lbs of weight loss!  Way to go!
