Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Julie VS The School Nurse

My daughter is about as confrontational as a Cocker Spaniel puppy; however, she and the nurse at her school had a little showdown yesterday.

It all started when Julie complained of a sore throat to her teacher.  Therefore, the teacher sent her to the school nurse.  (This is not unusual as Julie visited the nurse about once a week last year for various boo-boo's.  She's a slight hypochondriac.  ha)

So, Julie appeared in the nurses office and told her that she had a sore throat.  The nurse took her temperature and when it was concluded that she had no fever, she offered her a cough drop.  Julie took the cough drop and then gasped handing it back to the nurse immediately and saying loudly, "I can't take that!  It has red dye!!"

The nurse seemed slightly surprised, but decided that maybe a peppermint out of her purse would get Julie back to class.  Another gasp ... "I can't take that!!  That has aspartame in it!"


At this point, two other children had come into the office complaining of sore throats and the nurse was running out of options.  So, she disappeared into the teachers lounge and came back with the table salt.  She mixed a little in a cup of water and handed it to Julie telling her to gargle.

GASP!  "I can't take that!!  That's not organic sea salt!"

At this point, the nurse threw her hands in the air and said "I GIVE UP!!!"  She then wrote Julie a note to go back to class and sent her on her way.  However, Julie can read and she wasn't too impressed with what the nurse wrote on her hall pass:

"Will not take anything to get rid of sore throat."

Thankfully my little one is too little to know she completely exasperated her school nurse.

However, little one - you're not too little to know what is healthy and what is not for your body!  Good job, Julie Ann!  Proud of you!

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