Monday, May 21, 2012

Introducing National Lifestyle Centers

I've been waiting for months to be able to tell you about my newest adventure!  I have debated about when the timing was right.  Should I wait for "this" to happen?  Should I wait until we have "that?"  However, I have decided to let you in on the journey a little early because I want you to share in the excitement with me.  I want you to be part of the "beginning", the "first", the "origin".

Last August, I told you about Dad's nutrition club that he had opened in Gonzales.  It has been so much fun to watch the growth take place.  They have around 500 club members now and they are busy, busy throughout the day making shakes.  He opened the club in July of last year and it essentially exploded.  They've had weight loss contests, been featured in the local newspaper and even attracted the attention of the local high school and now enjoy the company of a large group of students that come by for lunch each day.

It has been so much fun to watch.

However, we weren't the only ones watching.

Have you ever had one of those times when you knew beyond all shadow of a doubt that you were doing the right thing and yet it seemed everyone around you thought you were insane?  That's kind of what we did with Dad when he told us he was going to open this nutrition club.  Then, when he went and actually leased a building we really thought he was bonkers.  THEN - when he actually started painting and cleaning up the building we thought he'd lost his mind.  However, the entire time there was this sense of peace about him.  He never felt the need to justify it or explain it - he just knew what he was supposed to be doing.  (Kind of the whole faith contradicts common sense thing, you know?)  Well, across town there was a man by the name of Richard Green who was watching and waiting to see what would happen.

You see, Richard had a vision.  All of his life he has been part of the "wholesale" world.  (I grew up in church.  It's what I know.  Richard grew up in wholesale.  It's what he knows.)  He had a dream of starting his own wholesale company where people could purchase products (not just furniture, but a wide array of products) for wholesale prices instead of retail prices.  He is a brilliant businessman and had tossed the idea of a wholesale company around in his head for awhile.  However, he didn't want just "another wholesale company" out there.  He wanted something completely different - something completely new - something no one else was doing.

Thus, National Lifestyle Centers was born.

"New Ways to Live Life"

N.L.C. is based on four core areas of life:  Spiritual, Physical, Mental and Financial.  We are a wholesale buying co-op combined with a nutrition club.  What does that mean?  In the most simplistic of terms, it means we offer wholesale prices on a wide variety of products including cars, janitorial supplies, furniture, jewelry, etc... to our members while operating out of a store front offering protein shakes and soft serve yogurt (as well as other health products including vitamins, brain boosters, and herbal supplements).

Here's how it works:  Our members pay a one time fee to join N.L.C. and from then on can purchase products from companies we have already partnered with at wholesale prices instead of the retail markup.  However, the thing that sets us apart from the other wholesale clubs is that we are a dedicated team devoted to your overall well being - your health - in the four core areas of life I mentioned above.  Therefore, we operate out of a nutrition club offering people healthy protein shakes (and soft-serve yogurt) to help them lose weight, feel better and be healthier.  At night, we offer classes and seminars out of our club that focus on spiritual health, physical health, mental health and financial health bringing in experts in each of these key areas.  Our members can pick and choose which classes are of interest to them to attend.

We currently have the club in Gonzales up and functioning well as it is moving to a bigger location.  We are in the process of opening one in Arkansas and we are in the beginning stages of opening a Round Rock location as well.  We are excited!  As people come in for frozen yogurt for dessert or for a healthy breakfast shake, they can discover "new ways to live life!"

Maybe you are like me and you have always bought retail.  I mean, I love a good sale!  However, wholesale is beyond "sale."  Wholesale removes the middle man and you pay factory-direct prices.  For example, take a look at this couch:

This exact couch is sold by many different retailers.  I found it at FurnitureBuy for $775.  Then, I found it at for $1003.  Rooms & Things had it for $769.99.  However, our N.L.C. members can purchase the couch for $439.

Or maybe jewelry is your thing.

I was looking at our jewelry one day and came across this gorgeous necklace.  It's 14kt white gold with with .50 total diamond carat weight.  BEAUTIFUL!  It retails for $2000.  However, they are offering it to N.L.C. members for 50% off.  Yep, $1000.

What about large ticket items like air conditioning units for your house?  Those suckers are mega expensive! One of my friends had to purchase a new one last week.  He needed a 10 ton unit and those retail for over $4000.

Bruce got his for $2500.

Isn't this red head a cutie?

When I spoke with the dealership last, N.L.C. members were combining their membership savings with a current rebate offer and getting this Chevy Malibu for almost $4000 below MSRP.

The N.L.C. membership isn't just for individuals/families.  We currently have churches and schools looking at purchasing the membership so that they can save on janitorial supplies and furniture.  For example, these cute preschool tables are ideal for circle time with little ones.

However, these tables will run you upwards of $250 in most places.  Our N.L.C. members can get these in their choice of oak, grey, red or yellow (shown) for only $126.

And the savings for those churches and schools on janitorial supplies?  Well, just take a look at toilet paper alone.  How many rolls of toilet paper do you think a church or a school uses in a year?

For the sake of argument, let's say a church uses 1152 rolls per year.  (The picture shown above happens to be sold in packages of 96.  Let's say they use one package of 96 each month.)  The least expensive I could find this exact brand sold in units of 96 was $49.89/unit.  If they need 12 units a year, that would be almost $600 spent on toilet paper.  However, if they were an N.L.C. member, they could order these for $32.82.  In a year, they would've saved almost $200 on toilet paper alone.  Imagine if they also used their N.L.C. membership for paper towels, kleenex, napkins, and trash bags?  If they saved $200 a year on each of those products, they would have saved $1000 on janitorial products alone!  Can I get an amen from any pastors out there?!  ;)

If you have stuck with me this long, you're probably wondering what that one time fee for membership costs aren't you?  If you've done your research into other wholesale companies, you know that the big name wholesale companies will charge you a membership fee of $2200 - $5000 every two years.

For a membership into National Lifestyle Centers, you'll pay only $795 one time.  If you take a look at all of the examples I showed you above, you'll quickly see that purchasing just one item at wholesale instead of retail more than covers the cost of your N.L.C. membership!

I invite you to take a look at the N.L.C. website and explore it.  Or you can hop over to my neighbor's blog and check out my recent guest post.  I invite your questions, your ideas and your support!  Stay tuned as I keep you up to date on our progress opening the Round Rock location!

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