Sunday, October 30, 2011

Craig's Meals - PIZZA

I don't know what you're "go-to" meal is when you don't feel like cooking dinner or just need something simple and plan-free.  Sandwiches?  Cereal? 

Mine is pizza.  That is precisely why this week's Craig's Meals Delivered meal is PIZZA!

Before "the change" (our eating/lifestyle change ... not menopause) - I would simply run to the deep freeze, pop open the box, stick the frozen pie on a pizza pan and WHALLA!  Thirty minutes later you have dinner!  (If I was feeling fancy, I'd make a little salad to go with it and call it gourmet.)

However, when we began eating differently, I noticed something really fast:  I had NO "go-to" meal.  Since my kids eat sandwiches for lunch everyday and eating cereal for dinner seems silly to me - I had to come up with a different plan.  So, I learned how to make gluten-free, egg-yolk-free, dye-free, nitrite-free, salicylate-low, artificial-sweetener-free pizza.

Pizza's are $10 this week and here are your choices:

Cheese Pizza - A perfect blend of white cheeses combined with the best pizza sauce you've ever tasted!

Pepperoni Pizza - Pepperonis are loaded with nitrites!  But, you won't find any in this Pepperoni Pizza!  Safe, nitrite-free pepperoni on a bed of perfectly baked crust and cheese blend - it doesn't get any better than this!

Veggie Pizza - For your inner-vegetarian!  (Or for those of you that want to pretend pizza is healthy)  This pizza comes with a blend of white cheeses, onions, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms and olives.

Chicken Ranch Pizza - If you shy away from the traditional pizza, this one may work for you!  Combining the flavors of chicken and ranch and bacon ... Do I really need to say more?

What's the best part about these pizza's?  I'm glad you asked!  The biggest discovery we made when we switched to this version of pizza is that they don't leave a heavy feeling in your stomach after you finish eating.  You know that sluggish, I-just-ate-a-rock, feeling you get after you pig out on pizza?  It doesn't exist with these because you're not ingesting nitrites, loads of gluten, preservatives and dyes!  Yummy pizza without the guilt and fat-feeling - WIN WIN!  :)

So, take a trip to Italy this week (in your mind and tummy anyway) with a Craig's Meals Pizza!

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