Thursday, August 11, 2011

Let It Go

I thought I'd share an interesting story with you today...

On Saturday night I worked my last night shift but ended up staying extremely late.  (Later than usual.)  Sunday morning I woke up and felt terrible; however, that's usually the case after a night shift and I figured it would pass about noon like it usually does. 

It didn't and by Sunday evening I was coughing and felt like someone had a belt tied around my chest ... couldn't breathe.  I called our chiropractor Monday morning and asked what I could do.  Without being able to see me (I was out of town by this point at my parents), they guessed it was probably allergy.

However, by Wednesday, I'd nearly lost my voice completely and I still couldn't breathe well.  So, (now that I was back in town) - we headed to the good ol' chiro's office.

I have never had a chiropractor adjustment that hurt worse.  Every single "pop" hurt.  (That told me that something was not right.)  Sure enough, he was able to test using kinesiology and determine that I had picked up something viral.  However, he also was able to pick up on "emotional trauma" as well. 

Stay with me here .... this is about as weird as the muscle testing I've spoken about before. 

Using kinesiology, he was picking up on grief playing a huge role in what I was exhibiting as a viral illness.

At this point, I realize I've lost those of you that are like my brother and my father.  As my husband calls it - it's a little too voodoo!  However, for those of you able to stick around a little longer, I'll share with you what he told me.

He explained that he hadn't suffered from bronchitis in over two decades.  (This is possible when you eat organic, use herbs and your body is completely aligned.)  However, his grandmother died suddenly and unexpectedly and he said that he began suffering from what appeared to be bronchitis within 48 hours.

Emotional trauma.  Specifically - grief.

And he went on to tell me that that was precisely what he was picking up on with me.

Well, I'll spare you the tears and drama, but just suffice it to say that he was spot on.  He specifically used the word "mourning" as something that seemed very strong.  I choked as he said it wondering if maybe I needed to get up and run before he knew any of my other secrets.

I'll admit, I don't understand everything that he did or everything he tested for.  I do not know pressure points or much of anything about kinesiology.  I'm not saying that a chiropractor can read your mind or determine your future.

However, I do believe that God made our bodies more complex that we can ever understand.  And I do believe that our bodies give clues about what is ailing us that the average person cannot see but that a trained professional can feel and sometimes see.  There is so much that we don't understand about the human body and so much that we accept as truth simply because a person in a white coat tells us it's true.

Our chiropractor adjusted two of my ribs and I could immediately breathe again.  He told me three places on my body that hurt before I told him.  (My lower back, my right shoulder blade and the left side of my neck for those of you that want to know.)  He picked up on my mourning that I had not shared with a soul - not even my husband.

I may not understand ... but I don't have to.  I may not be able to explain it to you ... but I don't have to.  Even if I could explain it, each person has to decide for themselves what direction that want to go with their health care.  One year ago, I thought those that birthed their babies at home and never participated in immunizations were crazy and needed some education.  Now here I sit knowing the facts, having done the research and realizing that "those people" actually knew more than I EVER did about having children.  They were the educated ones.  Truth is like that sometimes ... You think you know it all and then you realize you know nothing.

Every muscle (and maybe my bones too) in my body hurts today as they (the muscles) have been put back where God intended them to go in the first place.  I still have a lingering cough as my body fights off this virus.  However, more than anything I'm working on my grief/mourning as I realized yesterday that it is playing a major role (more major than I knew) in my health and well being.

Let me encourage you to do the same.  What do you need to work through or let go of to be a healthier you?

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