Friday, May 13, 2011

The Day My Rib Knocked Out My Eyeball

It started as just a dull kind of ache.  You know, that definitely-there-but-not-quite-bad-enough-to-take-anything type of pain?  In fact, I really didn't think much of it.  However, slowly but surely my left eye was beginning to hurt worse and worse.

Eventually it was a throbbing pain and I began searching through the medicine cabinets looking for any medicine that didn't get thrown out in the "big purge of unhealthy products".  I came across a popular decongestant and was just fixing to pop two when a thought crossed my mind.

"You might be throwing it all away."

I know - it's not particularly profound, but it's the thought that appeared through the blinding fog of the eye pain.

For months now we have been completely organic not taking in any food that wasn't completely free of preservatives and/or pesticides.  We have not taken one medication.  We have not applied one product be it lotion, shampoo or soap to our bodies that was not completely natural.

And for what?  So I could throw all that hard work away for two little pills?

So, I stuck them in my purse (just in case) and headed to the man with the answers .... otherwise known as our chiropractor.

Now, if you're a cynic this is where the road stops for you.  Go ahead and click the "x" and head out because what I'm about to tell you is too freaky even for the tree huggers.  I mean, I've shared with you about "muscle testing" before and that one is weird enough.  However, what I'm about to tell you takes the cake and the icing and the sprinkles and the caramel syrup.  Oh!  And that little red cherry that is loaded with Red Dye #40.

Ok, I'm assuming if you're still here you are looking for wild and crazy so here it is:  (Today is Friday the 13th after all!)

I arrived at our chiropractor's office and told him the sinus pressure behind my left eyeball was more than I could handle.  I needed him to fix it.  So, he began checking various acupressure points to see if he could get to the bottom of it.  I was just sitting there calmly talking his ears off when he pressed a point in my back that caused me to yelp.  (It's funny.  I never considered myself part puppy dog, but yelp is the only word that can describe the sound I made.)

"I take it that's sore, huh?"  he said. 

I proceeded to tell him that yes, that part of my back was sore, but I could live with that if he'd just fix my eyeball.  This is when he walked around to the front of me and pressed on the two sinus pressure points that rest above our eyes. 

"That sore?"  he asked.


What he explained to me then (that I'll share with you today) made my head spin.  He proceeded to explain to me that if my eyeball pain was in any way, shape or form connected to sinus pressure that the two points on the front of my face would be so sensitive (like that point in my back) that I would not let him press on them.  He went on to say that the eye pain I was experiencing was directly related to my rib.

Hannah Montana say whaaaahhhh?  (Sorry, having a six year old daughter has apparently rubbed off on me.)

At this point I looked for the hidden camera.  I mean, how gullible do these people think I am?

However, it was true.  Given some extreme stresses in our life at this point at this particular visit, my tense muscles had pulled my Rib #2 out of line.  The tendons and muscles connected to Rib #2 had compensated, but had in turn had to pull and tug the muscles of the left side of my neck.  Those tendons and muscles run up the back of my head and then connect to my eyeballs.  So - Rib #2 was causing my eyeball pain.

I gotta tell you that I'm one of the most gullible people on Earth so even though I wanted to hope and believe him, I knew better.  I still was not convinced that even though he said that he had pushed Rib #2 back in place that it was actually going to fix my eye.  But, would you believe that gradually as the day wore on my eye got better and better?  And the next morning I woke up and it hurt even less and within 48 hours I had no more eye pain.

The words that come to mind are "bizarre", "weird", "crazy".  I'm sure you can think of a few as well.

However - I ask you:  How many times have you been to your family physician and told him about some random pain or symptom you were experiencing?  (For me - a million.  "Hey Doc, my left knee hurts when I twist ....")  And how many times did your family physician check to see if your rib was out of place or you were simply dehydrated or you were intolerant of a particular food?  No, he might have attempted to get to the root of the problem, but more than likely he pushed an antibiotic or a high-dose pain killer at you and sent you on your way.  Am I right?

I am still amazed at how God designed our bodies to heal naturally and what an important role natural-focused (and educated) doctors can play in that.

I have taken that decongestant back out of my purse and it is resting quietly in the cabinet again.  I haven't had a sinus headache in months so why I'm keeping it I'm not real sure.  Maybe it's a security blanket.  Maybe it's my backup.  (Old habits die hard you know?)  Or maybe since the box is red, it simply matches my kitchen decor.  Whatever purpose it serves in that cabinet right now is better than any purpose it would serve in my body.

Happy Friday.  May your weekend be filled with quality time with those you love, good wholesome food, laughter and zero eyeball pain!

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