Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How Do You Do ORGANIC Halloween?

About a month ago, I found myself asking how in the world we were going to pull off Halloween.  I mean, for us, Halloween is about the candy and the costumes.  There's no skulls or skeletons or ghosts or goblins .... just candy and some cute costumes.  (Ok, there's a chance I might hide in a dark closet and scare Rick when he least expects it.  But, that's the extent of the scariness!)

However, when you've banned food dyes, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives of all forms from your home, how (I mean - seriously, HOW) do you pull off Halloween?

Just. like. this.

These are Vanilla Meringue Cookies.  They look like hershey kisses but they're white.  They're made with egg whites, sugar and vanilla.  (Gluten-free and made from cage free chickens as an added bonus!)  They're super yummy and they melt on your tongue!

And then we have Sour Bats ... my personal favorites.  (These taste just like Sour Patch Kids, but there's no dye in these.)  These are not real great for you, but for once a year Halloween candy (in moderation), they'll be fine.  They're made with corn syrup, sugar, modified corn starch, natural flavors, malic acid, sodium citrate, citric acid, colored vegetable extracts (red cabbage, paprika, turmeric), and saturated sunflower oil. 

OH my yum!  Here are your "Junior Mints" for you movie junkies out there!  These are muy fabulouso.  They're made with chocolate, sugar, corn syrup, invert sugar, organic cage-free egg whites, tapioca dextrin, glycerin, peppermint oil, and invertase.  Again - not something you want to munch on everyday - but great for Halloween.  (Or maybe even that occasional trip to the movies!)  (Did I just confess to occasionally sneaking candy into the movies?)

These little babies took the place of the Snickers, the Milky Ways, and Peanut Butter Cups.  (Ok, I don't know that anything could ever take the place of Peanut Butter Cups, but hey - you can't win 'em all!)  These are Endangered Species Chocolate candy bars.  They're made with milk chocolate.  (Dark chocolate would be better for you, but sometimes you just have to splurge!)

These are possibly my best find yet!  These suckers are to dye for!  Yummy Earth has made Organic Lollipops safe for us because they're gluten-free and contain no artificial dyes or flavors.  Whoo hoo!  They're made from organic evaporated cane juice, organic rice syrup, citric acid, natural flavors, organic black carrots, organic black currant, organic pumpkin, organic apple and organic carrot.  Possibly one of the best suckers I've ever put in my mouth!

Anyone need Gummy Bears?  How about some Organic Gummy Bears by Yummy Earth?  Look at this list and tell me these aren't awesome:  gluten-free, peanut-free, soy-free, dairy-free, GMO-free, no artificial dyes, no corn syrup, tree-nut-free and no MSG.  So, what DO they contain?  organic rice syrup, organic cane sugar, gelatin, organic aronia juice, organic black currant juice natural flavor, citric acid, ascorbic acid, carnauba wax, and organic sunflower oil.  That, my friends, is a good gummy!

And I'll confess that I was not prepared for this last one.  However, we went to a little church carnival Sunday night and Craig won 3 (count 'em, THREE) sodas at the ring toss.  (What the heck?  I thought I only needed candy for Halloween!)  So, I had to get some safe sodas so he could trade in his three unsafe sodas.  These sodas made by Whole Foods only have four ingredients - (which is always a good indication that they're safe):  filtered carbonated water, can sugar, natural cherry vanilla creme flavor and citric acid.  They're gluten free, non-caffeinated and there is nothing artificial in them.  Score!

So there you have it.  Halloween as organic as you're gonna get it!  Stay tuned as now I must figure out how to do Thanksgiving completely organic!

P.S.  So what did we do with all the candy we got Trick-or-Treating?  We came back home and handed it out to all the little monsters, ballerina's, and cowboys that rang our doorbell!  Happy Halloween!

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