Monday, November 14, 2011

Craig's Meals - MUFFINS (without the muffin top)

Oh, my!  Please excuse my absence last week.  My Superwoman skills are not what they used to be.  Until this ministry also brings in what we need it to financially, I must work a few other jobs.  (Organic food and doctor bills add up, ya know?) 

Last week I was working three jobs.  They just all happened to hit at once.  I'm grateful for the work, but mama can't keep everything going all at one time.  So, I had to set down some of the balls I was juggling.  I chose the laundry and Craig's Meals Delivered.  (Rick was not real thrilled about the laundry ball being dropped!)  ;)

However, have no fear!  I'm back ... with a vengeance!  (Do I ever come back any other way?)

This week, Craig's Meals Delivered is offering MUFFINS without the muffin top!  (Urban Dictionary defines muffin top as "when a woman wears a pair of tight jeans that makes her flab spill out over the waistband, just like the top of a muffin sits over the edge of the paper case."

Oh dear.  I just crossed a line with some of you, didn't I?

Well, for those of you still hanging around - these muffins are fantastic and they come in a variety of flavors.  (I was only going to offer one flavor, but since Rick and I can't agree on the flavor - that's a pretty clear indication I need to offer multiple!)  The best part about these muffins is that they are light and airy and they don't leave you with that full, fat, lead feeling in your gut after you eat them.  (That's the gluten that does that.)

They come in groups of 12 and they are perfect for a family breakfast or a special treat at your office.  (My kids are taking them to school this week as a sweet gift for their teacher.)  I also always make a double batch and freeze the extras for those mornings when we have no eggs, no cereal and yet everyone still wants breakfast!  (Ever have those mornings?)

They are available in blueberry, apple-cinnamon, pumpkin and orange-cranberry this week.  Each dozen muffins are $10.  While most Craig's Meals Delivered meals come frozen, you may specify this week if you want your muffins frozen or not.  (Nobody wants frozen muffins if they're taking them straight up to work so we're offering a little flexibility this week!)

These are a great way to welcome in this Thanksgiving season!  Why not order a few dozen for your friends & loved ones?

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