Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1 Timothy 6:12

Every once in awhile, you just need a subtle little reminder to keep doing the right thing.  You know?  (Or am I alone in this?)

For example, the other day I was stressing about money.  (That is a common occurrence right now as our expenses have changed so drastically over the last year.)  Even though I do not believe in gambling and haven't ever bought a lottery ticket, I'll admit to you that the thought crossed my mind the other day:  Maybe I just need a lottery ticket.  I considered it for the ten minutes it took me to reach my next destination and then dismissed it from my mind. 

God must have been watching.  ;)

Later that afternoon I was listening to the radio and they were interviewing this lady talking about how she just felt like maybe God was leading her to buy a few lottery tickets.  The hosts (obviously Christian) began to explain to her all of the reasons why they were certain that God was not leading her to buy a lotto ticket.  I found myself agreeing right along with them and wondering what was wrong with Ms. Get Rich Quick when God reminded me of my very struggle that morning.  I had just entertained that thought earlier that same day.  No, I didn't act on it ... but I did entertain it.  I flirted a bit with the danger. 

God had to gently remind me to keep on doing the right thing even though I can't see the end of this tunnel right now.  I got another gentle reminder this past weekend.

Julie was getting ready for school last Thursday and came to me telling me her tummy was hurting.  I never know what to make of Julie's physical ailings though because sometimes they are a cry for attention and other times she actually has something wrong.  So, I told her to drink some water and then tell me later how she felt.  I totally forgot about it until I was taking photo's at my job later that day and began to notice my stomach was hurting. 

We haven't been sick in so long that I wasn't sure if I was actually fighting something or if I had just eaten something that didn't agree with me or if I had nervous stomach. 

Fast forward about six hours.

I picked the kids up from school only to discover Craig had been battling a stomach ache (and some bathroom issues) all day at school. 


So, I prepared myself.  I began making preparations for chicken noodle soup, crackers, ginger ale .... You know - all the basic necessities for a battle with the stomach flu.  I gave myself a pep talk as I went to bed Thursday night knowing I'd probably be cleaning up body fluids during the night.

Fast forward twelve hours.

I wake up and realize no one has needed me ... or have they?  I race into their rooms to discover they're both still asleep and there is no putrid smell.  Hmmmmm... 

My own stomach just felt slightly "off" so I went about my morning routine and waited on the kids to get up.  Julie felt fine upon waking and Craig told me he had gotten up twice during the night and gone to the bathroom, but that he felt fine.

Julie and I spent the next two days feeling normal most of the time and then getting a slight stomach ache for a few minutes here and there.  Other than that - there were no symptoms.  No nausea.  No fun bathroom excursions.  Nothing.

Craig, however, had a little rougher time.  Granted, it didn't take him down - but he struggled a little more.  His lasted four days and affected his energy level slightly and took him on frequent (somewhat emergency) trips to the bathroom.  It wasn't significant enough to call him officially "sick", but it was significant enough that I can still tell you every bathroom from here to Waller as I had to prepare adequately to travel with him on Saturday to the playoffs.  He finally kicked it Sunday and was back to his normal self.

What's my take-away?  What do I learn from any of that?

Well - we will never know for sure, but I think we had a little stomach virus.  Given everything we have changed, me and Julie were able to fight it off with barely any symptoms.  However, although Craig may look healthy - we still have a long road ahead of us.  His body handled the exact same thing completely different.  It didn't fight it off quite as fast nor quite as strong. 

That's depressing in some regards because while Julie occasionally gets dairy (which she shouldn't have) or a citrus fruit (another no-no) and Rick and I occasionally eat Chuy's or something, the one person in the house who has not been allowed to "cheat" once on this journey has been Craig.  Not once.  Not for anything.  So, you would think he'd be the healthiest among us.

This little virus showed me that I've got to keep being diligent.  I've got to keep fighting the good fight.  I've got to keep on doing the right thing.  And in the meantime, I've got to stay away from Vegas!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Keepin' It Real, Yo

My friend Lana posted the other day on her blog, where she chronicles the life of a special needs family, that she wonders sometimes if their daughter Lily would be in the same place (developmentally) if they had not done the enormous amount of therapy they have with her.  Would she have reached some of those milestones regardless?  She then elaborates the next day explaining that they'll never know for sure and mentioning some of the things they have given up to be able to raise "The Bird" (their precious nickname for Lily).  One of the things they're struggling with right now is a desire to take an extended family vacation this next year.  Their oldest will graduate from high school and "leave the nest" and they wanted one last hoorah before they send her off.  However, therapy is expensive (don't I know it?!) and medical expenses are their biggest expenditure currently.


I found myself tearing up as I read her posts.  This is so where I am right now.  I don't want you to know it because I want you to make the leap and start feeding yourself and your family food that is good for you instead of preservative-laden junk.  And if I tell you how stinkin' hard this is, you'll never do it.

I worked from August of last year (2010) until February of this year (2011) doing something I really liked - serving at a church.  However, we did not need any of the money.  Granted, it was nice and we went to Disney and we played alot.  But, when the church got rid of me in February we weren't a bit concerned about the money part of it.  We learned a long time ago to NEVER depend on two incomes.  It makes life so much less stressful!

However, what we didn't realize is that when we made the leap at the end of January to full-blown organic, preservative-free lifestyle - that it would increase our living expenses so significantly.  It doubled my grocery bills.  And our medical bills just continued to gradually climb until they were more than our health insurance payment each month.  (Something feels very wrong about that to me!)  Therefore, we didn't know it at the time, but I stopped bringing in any money and yet our expenses rose by about 40%.

Well, by May we realized that I couldn't just sit around and wait on the next church to call.  I was going to have to start bringing in a little bit to help us stay afloat. 

This has been the most gratifying and yet exhausting journey we have ever been on.  I mean - nothing compares to getting your kid back.  NOTHING.  But, that's not the only blessing we've received on this journey.  We've lost weight.  Our daughter's asthma symptoms up and disappeared.  Our family members all began taking steps toward healthier lifestyles.  We've helped a number of other families.  I could go on ...

And we would do it all again!  However, that doesn't make working these little odd jobs that I loathe any easier.  And it doesn't make scrimping and saving any easier.

I mean, I want some new boots.  And I want to get my kid a DS for Christmas.  And I want to get Rick an iPhone for his birthday. 

And there's a few other things that maybe I don't necessarily "want" per se ... but that we probably need to do.  (You know - since we're adults and we're supposed to be responsible.)  The van needs new tires.  I only made enough last month to replace one of them after everything else was paid.  The fridge is making a really weird noise and I'm fairly certain that we're working on borrowed time with it.  The poor baby is 11 years old and has been moved 6 times since we got it.  Rick's car cannot pass inspection in this county without a little (ha) $1000 repair.

(huge sigh)

I reached the point about a month ago where I began having to force myself to go to work each day.  I did not realize the blessing of loving your job until I was forced to work two different jobs this year that I have hated.  I have hated them because they are not my calling ... they're not ministry.  It's not that everyday was a good day in ministry.  It's just that I never actually got to the point where I loathed my job.  I so understand that now.  Rick and I have trouble discussing it because while he has had teams he didn't prefer as much as others, he's never loathed the job.  It's always been football and it's always been his passion.  And I am deeply grateful for that.  I pray he NEVER has to experience this side of it.

I also became aware this year that I am being leaned on in a way that I was never meant to be leaned on.  God did not make me the bread winner of the family.  That is Rick's job.  He feels called to it.  He accepts it.  He prides himself in it.  He is our provider.  I could not handle that kind of pressure and I was never meant to handle it.  Having to actually feel some of that pressure and continue on in this even though I hate it is new to me.  It's made me even more thankful for the bread winner God provided for me.  It's also reiterated the fact that we made the decision to lower our expenses 6 years ago and NEVER be in this trap again of having to depend on two incomes.  It is miserable.

There is no end to the line of people who are quick to judge us in this either.  We've heard it all.  We've lost friends in this journey and some members of our family think we're insane.  They just don't get it at all.  I can hear their thoughts right now saying "If it's that tough financially - why don't you just back off on the whole organic thing?"

To be perfectly honest - we could.

As long as we were gluten-free, egg yolk - free, artificial sweetener free, salicylate LOW and sulfite free and kept Craig on his supplements, we could pull this whole thing off.  Actually - we could just put Craig on the special diet and the rest of us could go back to the unhealthy stuff because it doesn't make us act a fool.  We could just get the supplements from the chiro instead of actually having him adjusted.  That would save a copay every week as well.

We named this blog (and our ministry) Body, Soul & Mind because food affects each of these areas.  (I've said it once - I'll continue to say it as often as you'll read it .... You're gut and your brain are connected.  What you put in your belly affects your actual brain.  Your gut is known as your second brain and your brain as your second gut.)  However, I wanted a way to incorporate a verse that sums it all up for us into the very core of this blog.  I wanted it to be ever present.  So, I built it into the web address.  If you haven't looked it up, it says this in The Message:

"Throw yourselves wholeheartedly and full-time—remember, you've been raised from the dead!—into God's way of doing things."  Romans 6:13

Do you get it?  We prayed and searched for YEARS for these answers.  We begged and pleaded.  And God revealed His answer through TRUTH.  Slowly, slowly, slowly He revealed the truth about food to us and how He gave us food not only to enjoy but to HEAL OUR BODIES.  He's already made everything we need to heal.  There's a plant or a food out there for everything that ails us. 

I will not debate modern medicine with you.  I am thankful for it and grateful for it and if I am having a heart attack - please rush me to the hospital.  However, if I have a stomach ache - please don't feed me Tums.  If I'm having a stroke - please carry me to the nearest E.R.  However, if I complain of a headache - please don't offer me ibuprofen.  If my appendix bursts, I'd like to think you'd call 911.  However, I can get rid of strep throat without the use of antibiotics.  So, if I catch it again, keep your distance and blow me kisses through the windows.  I'll be good as new in a few days.

I've done the research.  God led us to truth over and over and over.  And my response to that? 

My response should be uninhibited WORSHIP and PRAISE and a thankful heart.  And that's precisely what it is.  However, it should be obedience also.  Obedience is a form of worship and love. 

How could I possibly eat the very things that have made us so sick and nearly sealed my sons prison term when I know what is in them and the affect it has on our bodies?  How could I possibly eat those things after all God has done for me?  To do so feels very much (to me) like a slap to His face.

So, yes.  This particular season right now is full of Thanksgiving and Worship and Praise and grateful hearts.  But, it is hard.  It is dang hard.  I'm weary.  I'm tired of hating my job/work.  I'm tired of dreading the same thing everyday.  I'm tired of not being able to play just a little bit.  I'm tired of only shopping the sale items at the grocery store.  I'm tired of not getting to go on dates with my husband.

But this I know:  I know that 13 months ago, my Redeemer redeemed my sons life from the pit and therefore my family's life/future as well.  He brought us to truth we had been searching for for many, many years.  And if I need to walk through a valley for a little while, I will.  Because sometimes His blessings come through raindrops and sometimes healing comes through tears.  And sometimes the trials of this life are His mercies in disguise.  (Laura Story)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Vaccination Debate

I've told you before that we are suspicious of the vaccinations Craig got when he was 18 months old.  While we cannot prove that those vaccines caused his severe food allergies, they are one of the possible culprits.  (There are others we are suspicious of as well for those of you doing your research:  the epidural I got during his labor, the formula he drank almost his entire first year, a couple of illnesses he got before he turned 2, etc...)

I got this chart off of Mercola.com and it is quite interesting!  Take some time and ingest some of this info today.  I'm not asking you not to vaccinate your child.  I'm simply asking you to become educated before you do it!  We did - and it changed how we would do vaccinations in the future!

(Sorry this chart bleeds over the margins.  One of these days I'll actually know how to work a computer correctly!)

Health Condition Prevalence in Vaccinated Children Prevalence in Unvaccinated Children
Allergies 40% report at least one allergy Less than 10%
Asthma 6% 2.5%
Hayfever 10.7% of German children 2.5%
Neurodermatitis (an autoimmune disorder) 13% of German children 7%
ADHD 8% of German children, and another nearly 6% with borderline cases 1-2%
Middle ear infections 11% of German children Less than 0.5%
Sinusitis Over 32% of German children Less than 1%
Autism Approximately 1 in 100 Only 4 cases out of 7,800+ surveys (one child tested very high for metals, and another's mother tested very high for mercury)
Health Condition Prevalence in Vaccinated Children Prevalence in Unvaccinated Children
Allergies 40% report at least one allergy Less than 10%
Asthma 6% 2.5%
Hayfever 10.7% of German children 2.5%
Neurodermatitis (an autoimmune disorder) 13% of German children 7%
ADHD 8% of German children, and another nearly 6% with borderline cases 1-2%
Middle ear infections 11% of German children Less than 0.5%
Sinusitis Over 32% of German children Less than 1%
Autism Approximately 1 in 100 Only 4 cases out of 7,800+ surveys (one child tested very high for metals, and another's mother tested very high for mercury)
Health Condition Prevalence in Vaccinated Children Prevalence in Unvaccinated Children
Allergies 40% report at least one allergy Less than 10%
Asthma 6% 2.5%
Hayfever 10.7% of German children 2.5%
Neurodermatitis (an autoimmune disorder) 13% of German children 7%
ADHD 8% of German children, and another nearly 6% with borderline cases 1-2%
Middle ear infections 11% of German children Less than 0.5%
Sinusitis Over 32% of German children Less than 1%
Autism Approximately 1 in 100 Only 4 cases out of 7,800+ surveys (one child tested very high for metals, and another's mother tested very high for mercury)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Craig's Meals - MUFFINS (without the muffin top)

Oh, my!  Please excuse my absence last week.  My Superwoman skills are not what they used to be.  Until this ministry also brings in what we need it to financially, I must work a few other jobs.  (Organic food and doctor bills add up, ya know?) 

Last week I was working three jobs.  They just all happened to hit at once.  I'm grateful for the work, but mama can't keep everything going all at one time.  So, I had to set down some of the balls I was juggling.  I chose the laundry and Craig's Meals Delivered.  (Rick was not real thrilled about the laundry ball being dropped!)  ;)

However, have no fear!  I'm back ... with a vengeance!  (Do I ever come back any other way?)

This week, Craig's Meals Delivered is offering MUFFINS without the muffin top!  (Urban Dictionary defines muffin top as "when a woman wears a pair of tight jeans that makes her flab spill out over the waistband, just like the top of a muffin sits over the edge of the paper case."

Oh dear.  I just crossed a line with some of you, didn't I?

Well, for those of you still hanging around - these muffins are fantastic and they come in a variety of flavors.  (I was only going to offer one flavor, but since Rick and I can't agree on the flavor - that's a pretty clear indication I need to offer multiple!)  The best part about these muffins is that they are light and airy and they don't leave you with that full, fat, lead feeling in your gut after you eat them.  (That's the gluten that does that.)

They come in groups of 12 and they are perfect for a family breakfast or a special treat at your office.  (My kids are taking them to school this week as a sweet gift for their teacher.)  I also always make a double batch and freeze the extras for those mornings when we have no eggs, no cereal and yet everyone still wants breakfast!  (Ever have those mornings?)

They are available in blueberry, apple-cinnamon, pumpkin and orange-cranberry this week.  Each dozen muffins are $10.  While most Craig's Meals Delivered meals come frozen, you may specify this week if you want your muffins frozen or not.  (Nobody wants frozen muffins if they're taking them straight up to work so we're offering a little flexibility this week!)

These are a great way to welcome in this Thanksgiving season!  Why not order a few dozen for your friends & loved ones?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How Do You Do ORGANIC Halloween?

About a month ago, I found myself asking how in the world we were going to pull off Halloween.  I mean, for us, Halloween is about the candy and the costumes.  There's no skulls or skeletons or ghosts or goblins .... just candy and some cute costumes.  (Ok, there's a chance I might hide in a dark closet and scare Rick when he least expects it.  But, that's the extent of the scariness!)

However, when you've banned food dyes, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives of all forms from your home, how (I mean - seriously, HOW) do you pull off Halloween?

Just. like. this.

These are Vanilla Meringue Cookies.  They look like hershey kisses but they're white.  They're made with egg whites, sugar and vanilla.  (Gluten-free and made from cage free chickens as an added bonus!)  They're super yummy and they melt on your tongue!

And then we have Sour Bats ... my personal favorites.  (These taste just like Sour Patch Kids, but there's no dye in these.)  These are not real great for you, but for once a year Halloween candy (in moderation), they'll be fine.  They're made with corn syrup, sugar, modified corn starch, natural flavors, malic acid, sodium citrate, citric acid, colored vegetable extracts (red cabbage, paprika, turmeric), and saturated sunflower oil. 

OH my yum!  Here are your "Junior Mints" for you movie junkies out there!  These are muy fabulouso.  They're made with chocolate, sugar, corn syrup, invert sugar, organic cage-free egg whites, tapioca dextrin, glycerin, peppermint oil, and invertase.  Again - not something you want to munch on everyday - but great for Halloween.  (Or maybe even that occasional trip to the movies!)  (Did I just confess to occasionally sneaking candy into the movies?)

These little babies took the place of the Snickers, the Milky Ways, and Peanut Butter Cups.  (Ok, I don't know that anything could ever take the place of Peanut Butter Cups, but hey - you can't win 'em all!)  These are Endangered Species Chocolate candy bars.  They're made with milk chocolate.  (Dark chocolate would be better for you, but sometimes you just have to splurge!)

These are possibly my best find yet!  These suckers are to dye for!  Yummy Earth has made Organic Lollipops safe for us because they're gluten-free and contain no artificial dyes or flavors.  Whoo hoo!  They're made from organic evaporated cane juice, organic rice syrup, citric acid, natural flavors, organic black carrots, organic black currant, organic pumpkin, organic apple and organic carrot.  Possibly one of the best suckers I've ever put in my mouth!

Anyone need Gummy Bears?  How about some Organic Gummy Bears by Yummy Earth?  Look at this list and tell me these aren't awesome:  gluten-free, peanut-free, soy-free, dairy-free, GMO-free, no artificial dyes, no corn syrup, tree-nut-free and no MSG.  So, what DO they contain?  organic rice syrup, organic cane sugar, gelatin, organic aronia juice, organic black currant juice natural flavor, citric acid, ascorbic acid, carnauba wax, and organic sunflower oil.  That, my friends, is a good gummy!

And I'll confess that I was not prepared for this last one.  However, we went to a little church carnival Sunday night and Craig won 3 (count 'em, THREE) sodas at the ring toss.  (What the heck?  I thought I only needed candy for Halloween!)  So, I had to get some safe sodas so he could trade in his three unsafe sodas.  These sodas made by Whole Foods only have four ingredients - (which is always a good indication that they're safe):  filtered carbonated water, can sugar, natural cherry vanilla creme flavor and citric acid.  They're gluten free, non-caffeinated and there is nothing artificial in them.  Score!

So there you have it.  Halloween as organic as you're gonna get it!  Stay tuned as now I must figure out how to do Thanksgiving completely organic!

P.S.  So what did we do with all the candy we got Trick-or-Treating?  We came back home and handed it out to all the little monsters, ballerina's, and cowboys that rang our doorbell!  Happy Halloween!