Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today is possibly the funnest post (not to be confused with funniest) I’ve gotten the opportunity to write.  Today we are rejoicing with “Family R.” 

They are a precious family that Rick and I have known for about two years.

They recently began noticing that their son’s behavior and anger problems had escalated from “sometimes inconvenient” to “completely out of control.”  As a first grader, their son - “K’s” - behavior had led to repeated trips to the office as well as numerous other punishments. 

Friends and family members encouraged them to take K-Dawg to see a counselor or a therapist.  Others recommended they get him on medication.  However, K’s mom had been reading our blog (as well as another one by a mom with the same story) and decided to give food a chance to heal before filling her son with meds.

We had lunch last Friday and swapped stories.  I recommended she make a visit to our chiropractor since she and her family are local.  She took me up on that offer and I am ABSOLUTELY BUBBLING OVER WITH JOY to report that K-Man is allergic to eggs, gluten and red & blue dyes.  

That may sound a littler weird to be joyous over such a diagnosis, but I’m standing on the other side of that tornado and know what is just around the bend.  Here stand two parents grieving over their child and wanting desperately to be able to help him.  And just yesterday they learned exactly how and that it will not a) fill him with synthetic materials with numerous side effects, b) cost a fortune, or c) require a medical degree to navigate.

By refusing to believe that Special K is too much to handle or broken in some way and by taking his health into their own hands – being his advocate – they are setting him up for success and I could not be more happy to participate as a cheerleader on the sidelines.  We asked them to take his picture and be ready to share it in six weeks when this story makes it onto our Success Stories page.  Stay tuned – you won’t want to miss it!

(((Side Note:  While many of you contact me with your stories, your questions, and your successes, please know that no story or information is ever published without your direct permission.  "Family R" has read through and approved everything written above and added:  "BTW, he loves the idea of being "special". He wants to be the ONLY one in our family who is on a special diet...we're secretly doing more than he knows, but he's totally buying in to this. Plus, I secretly and successfully smashed the pills up into his PBJ for lunch as well as hid them in a fruit/ice cream smoothie. I was pumped! I'll keep you briefed on all the little successes we see along the way.  Thanks from the very bottom of my heart, [name]")))

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