Wednesday, May 11, 2011

100th Day Celebration

 We had a party at our house last night.  No, it wasn't any one's birthday - not even our anniversary.  We celebrated Craig's 100th good day at school!  Way to go Craiger!!

Craig brings home a folder each night that I sign and return.  It contains a calendar that his teacher marks each day to let me know how his behavior was at school.  If there is a stamped smiley face, he had a good day.  Otherwise, she will write in it and tell me what kind of problems he had.  (Sometimes there hasn't been enough space for all the writing!  [gulp])

If you look back to September before we figured out this entire food allergy thing, he has writing on almost every day.  However, after that - each month the writing is a little less and a little less.  And - even better - it is writing about how he was "running in the hallway" (something I consider much less offensive) instead of "kicking his teacher".

Craig decided to count all his smiley faces last week to see how many he had.  He's pretty proud of them.  At the time, he had 98 so I told him we should have a party when he hit 100.

Nothing like a little motivation!  The little guy hit 100 just 2 school days later. 

We celebrated by eating dinner in front of the t.v. and then making some homemade ice cream.

The ice cream maker didn't freeze quite as fast as I was hoping, so I grabbed the back up Rice Dream Ice Cream out of the freezer and we had that instead.  (Shhh!  Don't tell the kids!)

We then turned on the "hip hop music" (as Julie calls it) and had a dance party in the den right before bed. 


Maybe that's the question popping into your head.  Why go to all that trouble?

That's simple.

We're celebrating a life that's been redeemed.  Every single day is a complete and total wonder to us as we praise Him for bringing back our little boy.

** Make sure you check out our newest Success Story:  Gayle!

1 comment:

  1. From the pictures, I can tell he is much happier with his own progression. I can imagine how happy you are. You have great kids!
